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Laputa 發表於 2016-3-16 10:12


HydronHosting,新成立的主機商,提供虛擬主機、kvm vps,數據中心未知。如下:
優惠碼:SSD15 (優惠15%)





thanatos 發表於 2016-3-21 04:44

介紹這類主機商的服務,特別是介紹標榜空間、流量「無限」的 shared hosting 服務時,我會建議順便說明一下他們家的 TOS 及 AUP。
TOS: [url]https://hydronhosting.com/tos/[/url]
AUP: [url]https://hydronhosting.com/aup/[/url]

[quote]Hydron Hosting system administration team determines that when account is utilizing an unacceptable amount of system resources, and may temporarily deactivate the account in question. If deemed absolutely necessary, a termination notice may be sent to you, providing seven (7) days to either upgrade to a VPS or other hosting solution as recommended by our staff. All accounts will be reviewed and analyzed individually before any final determinations are made.
1.When am accounts allotted disk space and/or bandwidth usage is exceeded, a suspension will automatically be applied by the system itself. Additional resources or a plan upgrade is required to remove said suspension.
2.Hydron Hosting reserves the right to remove any material deemed inappropriate without notice. This includes, but not limited to Warez, Underage Adults, Pornographic Videos/Images, or any Copyrighted content such as MP3s, Movies, and Programs.
3.All mail sent must be in accordance with all applicable legislation (including data protection legislation), laws, and be transmitted in a secure manner.[/quote]

[quote]Unlimited Hosting Limitations
•PMEM: 1024MB
•IO: 1024KB/s
•Max entry processes: 20[/quote]

AUP 裡也會有規定不能放哪些東西,譬如:
[quote]Audio/Video Streaming:
Audio/Video Streaming is not hosting friendly. As such, Hydron Hosting does not allow any streaming of audio or video content. Offending accounts will be suspended without noticed or terminated.

Adult-Oriented Content:
Hydron Hosting does not allow adult content and will suspend/terminate any offending account.

Large Download File Policy:
Hydron Hosting is not for file hosting and distribution – as such, customers may not host any files larger than 100MB in size that are observed to be available for the sole purpose of download. Such files include but are not limited to .ISO, audio/video files, .EXE files. If you are unsure whether your file is against this policy, please e-mail [email]support@hydronhosting.com[/email].
這三大項很常被許多新手站長誤觸,特別是 adult-oriented content,這代表你想放成人內容就必須找別家了。

說真的很多新手會中這些招,因為 TOS 跟 AUP 看都沒在看,或者不知道要看,結果往往因為違規而吃了大虧。

shared hosting 服務因為是即大量客戶共用一台實體主機,所以即使標榜「無限」的商品也會有很多限制,美國喜歡稱之為 fair-use policy。
一旦超出這些限制,他們會毫不猶豫請你滾蛋或升級到 VPS 以上的服務,這算是他們業界慣例了。
如果你會對這類空間有興趣,不妨多挖掘他們寫在 TOS 及 AUP 裡的限制,並且整理起來,互相比較看看,到底哪家才是限制最少的。

Laputa 發表於 2016-3-23 06:49

[i=s] 本帖最後由 Laputa 於 2016-4-4 05:05 編輯 [/i]



V2 Web Hosting
V2 $9.95 USD
» Server Location: Singapore $2.00 USD
Setup Fees: $0.00 USD
Monthly: $11.95 USD

CPU: 1 Core
Memory: 1 GB
Concurrrent Connections: 20
Processes: 100
I/O: 1 MB/s (偏小)

thanatos 發表於 2016-3-23 13:10

[size=2][color=#999999]Laputa 發表於 2016-3-23 06:49[/color] [url=https://animebase.org/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=5116479&ptid=281684][img]https://animebase.org/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url][/size][/quote]

美國文化沒有那麼保守,能不能放都要自己去 TOS 跟 AUP 看,兩種狀況都不會特別在其它地方註明。
只是一些成本低又常超租的主機商擔心流量過大,對硬碟 I/O 量也大,所以才會禁止。
HostGator 這種價格稍微高一點的主機商其實是可以放的,不過這家當年也被我玩到把限制寫得很明,用秒數算:
[quote]C.Unacceptable Resource Usage
  a.You may not:
    i. Use twenty-five percent (25%) or more of our system resources for longer than ninety (90) seconds at a time. Activities that could cause this excessive use, include but are not limited to: CGI scripts, FTP, PHP, HTTP, etc.
    ii. Run stand-alone, unattended server-side processes at any point in time on the server. This includes any and all daemons, such as IRCD.
    iii. Run any type of web spider or indexer (including Google Cash / AdSpy) on shared servers.
    iv. Run any software that interfaces with an IRC (Internet Relay Chat) network.
    v. Run any bit torrent application, tracker, or client. You may link to legal torrents off-site, but may not host or store them on our shared servers.
    vi. Participate in any file-sharing/peer-to-peer activities
    vii. Run any gaming servers such as counter-strike, half-life, battlefield1942, etc.
    viii. Run cron entries with intervals of less than fifteen (15) minutes.
    ix. Run any MySQL queries longer than fifteen (15) seconds. MySQL tables should be indexed appropriately.
    x. Include the URL when using PHP include functions for including a local file. Instead of including 'http://yourdomain.com/include.php', use 'include.php' or '/home/username/public_html/include.php'.
    xi. Force html to handle server-side code (like php and shtml) to help reduce usage.
    xii. Use https protocol unless it is necessary; encrypting and decrypting communications is noticeably more CPU-intensive than unencrypted communications.[/quote]

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