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- 2013-11-22
[軟體] Bandizip - 取代WinRAR公司可用的免費壓縮軟體

來自韓國的免費壓縮軟體 - Bandizip,支援Unicode及多國語言壓縮檔內檔名顯示,快速拖放、高速壓縮、多核心壓縮、自解壓縮檔、分片壓縮,可以壓縮及解壓縮的副檔名:Zip(z01)、ZipX(zx01) 、 TAR、TGZ、7Z(7z.001) 、 EXE(e01),可以解壓縮的副檔名:RAR(part1.rar, r01)、ACE、ALZ、APK、ARJ、BH、BZ、BZ2、CAB、EGG、GZ、J2J、JAR、IMG、IPA、ISO、LHA、LZH、LZMA、PMA、TBZ、TBZ2、TGZ、TLZ、TXZ、UDF、WAR、WIM、XZ、Z,公司或個人使用完全免費!
[2013.03.05] 3.0版開始支援Windows 8。(From 阿榮)
官網安裝版下載: http://www.bandisoft.com/bandizip/tw/
阿榮版下載: http://www.azofreeware.com/2012/06/bandizip-205-winrar.html

Bandizip Portable - All-In-One Free Zip Archiver.
- Packing and Unpacking: Zip(z01), ZipX(zx01), TAR, TGZ, 7Z(7z.001), and EXE(e01)
- Unpacking Only: RAR(part1.rar, r01), ACE, ALZ, APK, ARJ, BH, BZ, BZ2, CAB, EGG, GZ, J2J, JAR, IMG, IPA, ISO, LHA, LZH, LZMA, PMA, TBZ, TBZ2, TGZ, TLZ, TXZ, UDF, WAR, WIM, XZ, and Z
- Support unicode to display international characters which display for filenames in archives
- Bypass the bad compression files automatically by "High Speed Archiving" function
- Extract the files to the destination folder directly by "Fast Drag & Drop" function
- Create self-extracting file (.EXE) and multi-volume (split) archives
- Optional archive encryption using ZipCrypto and AES 256
- Context Menu access including "Preview Archive" function
- Create or extract multiple zip files simultaneously from windows explorer
- Free to use at both home and in the office
出處: 阿榮福利味 (azofreeware) |