Today we're offering a brand new special offer-exclusive to LET! All of our VPS packages are KVM virtualization, and there are two premium USA data center locations. Offer Details KVM VPS Plans
CLICK HEREto order all special offer plans - use promo code "3DOLLARVPS" to enable recurring offer price. ★ 1024 MB RAM ★ > - 1 vCPU @ E5 2.0-2.7GHz+
- 20 GB - RAID 10
- 1000 GB Bandwidth
- 1 Dedicated IPv4
- /64 IPv6 Included
- Virtualizor/KVM - Linux
Annually $179.88 $36.00 Offers apply to new service orders and cannot be applied to existing services. If you have questions, please reply here. We apologize for any errors. Offer expires 02/28/21. No substitutions. No rainchecks. |