Most of the companies appearing on LowEndBox submit offers requesting publication. From time to time, we bring you other companies that our staff has discovered over the years. Our goal is to provide a full range of options for you to consider in the vast LowEnd marketplace. Enjoy!
Remember the first few Apple iPhones? People stood in line – sometimes all night – outside Apple stores in order to be one of the first to lay their hands on them. Believe it or not, there was a time when 128MB OpenVZ VMs were the same. Ten years ago, if you wanted a 128 from BuyVM, you had to get up at 2am and wait until Fran (BuyVM’s owner, Francisco Dias) released stock. There were web sites tracking BuyVM stock and people would wait to pounce on on a free server. The $15/year 128MB was an early BuyVM innovation. They also specialized in storage servers before they were popular. Since their beginning, they’ve added innovations regularly, including - DDoS protection in the LowEnd market. More common now, but it wasn’t when they started. Many people offering DDoS-protected VPS today are just OVH resellers, but BuyVM has their own contracted DDoS protection.
- Block storage volumes (“slabs” in their parlance)
- Anycast VPSes
- Offloaded SQL. This was a cool add-on which allowed you to purchase a modest VPS (such as one of their 128s) and then offload your SQL to a much beefier dedicated SQL box. They still offer this service for $1/mo.
- Custom control panel. Their panel – called Stallion – is completely home-developed, giving them a platform to continue innovating.
The company has had hiccups over the years, but has always responded well. A large power failure in Las Vegas once knocked a lot of VMs offline but the company responded with full transparency is a case study in how to handle such issues. There’s been some drama over BuyVM’s commitment to free speech – usually when someone in the mainstream media discovers they’re hosting something that particular media source doesn’t like (or BuyVM’s TOR Exit-friendly policies cause people to jump to wrong conclusions). But these minor problems aside, they’ve been a solid provider for more than a decade. With service in Las Vegas (NV), New York (NY), and Luxembourg, BuyVM continues to grow and move from strength to strength. And the odds are to get a VM, you won’t need to get up at 2am to wait in line! Now read more to see some offers!
Pricing current as of the date of this post.
Slice 512- 1 Core @ 3.50+ GHz
- Fair Share CPU Usage
- 512 MB Memory
- 10 GB SSD Storage
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- $2.00 per month
Slice 1024- 1 Core @ 3.50+ GHz
- Fair Share CPU Usage
- 1024 MB Memory
- 20 GB SSD Storage
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- $3.50 per month
Slice 2048- 1 Core @ 3.50+ GHz
- Fair Share CPU Usage
- 2048 MB Memory
- 40 GB SSD Storage
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- $7.00 per month
Slice 4096- 1 Core @ 3.50+ GHz
- Dedicated CPU Usage
- 4096 MB Memory
- 80 GB SSD Storage
- Unmetered Bandwidth
- 1 IPv4 Address
- $15.00 per month
All plans include a free DirectAdmin license! See their Wiki for more information on available addons! The post raindog308’s Journeys: BuyVM, Pony-Powered in the LowEnd Market for 10+ Years! appeared first on Low End Box. |